Level Set

OpenPisco provides dedicated modules to handle level sets.

A base class describing level sets can be found in the following module

A level set class is characterized by the following key attributes

  • OpenPisco.LevelSetBase.support : background mesh on which the distance field is evaluated

  • OpenPisco.LevelSetBase.phi : distance field

and the following functions to handle the evolution of the implicit shape

  • OpenPisco.LevelSetBase.Regularize() : regularization of an input velocity field

  • OpenPisco.LevelSetBase.Transport() : transport with respect to a given velocity field and update the distance field

  • OpenPisco.LevelSetBase.Reinitialise() : generate a distance field from an input-possibly flat- level set field

OpenPisco differentiates bewteen structured and unstructured level sets.

Structured Level Set

In the structured setting the support mesh is a structured uniform tetrahedral grid.

Structured Level Set

Fig. 23 Structured Level Set

The following module contains a derived class describing structured level sets

  • OpenPisco.Structured.LevelSet3D()

Unstructured Level Set

In the unstructured setting the support mesh is an unstructured tetrahedral mesh. The following module contains a derived class describing unstructured level sets

Utilitary functions helping the manipulation of unsturctured level sets can be found in

Body-fitted vs non conformal level sets

OpenPisco support two modes :

  • conformal : the background mesh is dynamically adapted to fit the 0 isovalue of the level set field

  • non conformal : the background mesh is not adapted to the 0 isovalue of the level set field

Unstructured non conformal Level Set

Fig. 24 Unstructured non conformal Level Set

Unstructured conformal Level Set

Fig. 25 Unstructured conformal Level Set

In the conformal, or body fitted, case the support mesh contains the negative part of the level set as a submesh and a triangulation of the 0 isovalue is available. In the non conformal case the 0 isovalue is not explicitely discretized. The background mesh is fixed or adapted to the problem at stake.

The boolean attribute OpenPisco.Unstructured.Levelset.conform allows to switch from the non conformal (default) to the body-fitted mode.


The function OpenPisco.Unstructured.Levelset.Regularize() allows to extend and regularize an input velocity field defined on the structural interface in both body-fitted and non conformal settings. The regularized velocity field is the solution \(V \in H^1(D)\) of the following variational problem

\[\forall w\in H^{1}(D), \:\: \alpha \int_{D}{\nabla V \cdot \nabla w \:dx } + \int_{\partial\Omega}{ V w \:ds } = \int_{\partial \Omega}{ v_{\partial \Omega} w \:ds },\]

where \(\alpha>0\) is a small parameter tuning the regularization level and \(v_{\partial \Omega}\) is the input velocity field. equation is solved using the finite elements framework of the library Muscat 1.


The function OpenPisco.Unstructured.Levelset.Transport() allows to transport an initial level set field along a given velocity field by solving the following level set transport equation

\[\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t } + \theta \cdot \nabla \phi = \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t } -v \lvert \nabla \phi \lvert = 0 \text{ in } D.\]

where \(\theta = -v n\) is a normal velocity field. The transport equation is numerically solved using the class OpenPisco.Unstructured.Levelset.Advect. This class implements a python interface to the open source library Advection 2.


The redistanciation equation is numerically solved using the class OpenPisco.Unstructured.Meshdist. This class implements a python interface to the open source library Mshdist 3.





